Qrcode plugin for Yourls an open source url shortener. This plugin will add the functionality of displaying QRCode for every short url generated. Works with multi user setup and has the following features.

  • QRCode is generated for every new short url
  • New QRCode is generated when the user edits the short url
  • QRCode is deleted when the user deletes an url.
  • Displays QRCode within the sharebox, whenever the sharebox is displayed.
  • QRCodes generated at 165 x 165 pixels.
  • Generated from standalone php QRCode library from Sourceforge.net.
  • QRCode generation for the shorturls generated before plugin installation. (visit stats page of the shorturl that does not have QRCode)

Now you can run your own url shortening service with QRCode generation. Just download and install the plugin and activate from the admin interface. from there every shorturl generated will get QR Codes.

Download Inline-qrcodes v1.3 ( updated 13/04/2013 )



– added images directory permission setting.

Further questions contact me at pelister@techlister.com

QRCode Plugin for Yourls
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12 thoughts on “QRCode Plugin for Yourls

  • at


    I uploaded the plugins but I can’t make that working it’s not appear on the Plugins page in the admin.

    Please advice!

    • at

      Hi, plugin was written for yourls 1.6 version, and I have no idea what is the version now. proably I have to check if it still works with latest versions.

  • at

    Any way to adjust size from 165×165?

    (it works with yourls 1.8.2 , btw, great plugin and very simple to use).

    • at

      Hi Keith, if you check the code you will see QRcode::png( $shorturl, $filename, ‘H’, 5, 2 ); on line number 60, 83, 112.

      H is error correction level ( highest )
      5 denotes the pixel size
      2 denotes the frame size.

      increase the pixel size and you will get a larger image.

  • at

    I’m actually looking to change the generated code to represent the Long url for a unique application. I’m having difficulty. I’m attempted to alter the $shorturl to $url in everycombination imaginable, same with keyword. I either break it or it just generates the short url. Any ideas?

  • at

    Hi, I use YOURLS v 1.9.2, but it not work on @url

    • at

      Plugin was written when yourls was in early stages (2013), we didn’t update it since yourls 1.6. don’t know what are the changes happened in 1.9

  • at

    Using this plugin on YourLS 1.9.2

    It still works.

    Problems; adding .qr at the end of the short url does not work. Just gives error link not found.
    When activating only the most recent links do have a QR-code. The older ones do not have it. The frame showing the QR-code is empty.

    If you delete the short url and recreated it then you do have a QR-code for it. Editing it does not work.

    Tip: if you click on QR-code and pick ‘safe image’ you have the QR-code, so you do not need to screenshot it to use it. You can also open the QR-code in a new window.

    So while not 100% it is still very usable.

    • at

      Thanks for the confirmation and the problems you are facing, I will try to update the plugin when I find time.


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