Yobit.net and Yobit.io are the sites you must totally avoid when it comes to trading cryptocurrencies. There are several reasons why I am saying this and I had a personal experience, leave alone my personal experience, do a simple search
Overclocking a CPU, is it worth it?
CPU Overclocking is almost like a highly infectious disease nowadays, and I suffered from it for a brief period of time, and recovered from it before crossing the extreme levels of insanity. Oh yes, I said it, yes, there is
5 reasons why windows phone is the best
The title of this article may make some( even many ) of you to frown upon in an instant. Many of you may not agree with me, but let’s face the facts. First of all I am not a proponent
Installing and configuring a VPN connection
Nowadays websites getting blocked by governments to protect themselves from sensitive information as well as ISP’s (Internet Service Provider) intentionally blocking sites to save bandwidth is common across the globe. But in this digital era, we depend on certain websites for
Best Practices for The Linux and Application Admins
In IT, errors or mistakes are always calculated with respect to the impact that caused. I mean everything like the downtime or outage etc. that affects the business. Some times very small mistakes or error can cause the entire application