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Check if the Uploaded File is an Image in PHP
Most of us would have come across the common solutions in PHP to check if the uploaded file is an image, you might have tried the usual way of checking the extensions and accepting the file to be a valid
Yobit is a Scam and are the sites you must totally avoid when it comes to trading cryptocurrencies. There are several reasons why I am saying this and I had a personal experience, leave alone my personal experience, do a simple search
Creating menu with Curses menu library in C
We created a menu interface with basic curses library in C, the menu library in curses provides a nice extension and functions dedicated to create more advanced menus. A menu is a set of items displayed on the screen that
Overclocking a CPU, is it worth it?
CPU Overclocking is almost like a highly infectious disease nowadays, and I suffered from it for a brief period of time, and recovered from it before crossing the extreme levels of insanity. Oh yes, I said it, yes, there is