QRMAN 1.1an open source url shortener and qrcode generator. Completely written in PHP with intuitive ajax interface using jQuery.

url shortener and qr code generator

QRMAN Features

  • Open Source software – released under GPL License.
  • Generates 10 types of QR Codes.
  • Generates Shorturl for every QR Code.
  • Generates Tracking Code and Non Tracking Code.
  • Create, Edit and Delete QR codes.
  • Url Redirection for Urls and Bookmarks – similar to shorturl services.
  • Excellent statistics: click reports, referrers tracking, visitors geo-location, platform and browsers.
  • Clean Ajax interface.
  • API for QR Code Generation, Store QR Codes and Fetch statistics.
  • API output in JSON, JSONP and XML.
  • Supports Cross Domain Ajax Request.
  • Inbuilt Installer for easy Installation .
  • User Management feature for Admin.
  • Registration, Password reset feature for users.

Write at pelister@techlister.com


Download QRMAN 1.1 – QRMAN (5919 downloads )

QRMAN 1.1 – Updated (on 08/09/2021 ) and Tested on PHP 7+ Versions

QRMAN 1.0 – Updated and Tested on PHP 5+ Versions ( Will not work on PHP 7 )

QRMAN – Url Shortener and QR Code Generator

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